
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Seedlings of English rose Crocus Rose

 Seedlings of English rose Crocus Rose. One of the wonderful creations of D. Austin is the Crocus Rose variety, bred in 200 from the famous variety "Golden Celebration", synonyms of the name: "Emmanuel", "City of Timaru", "Ausquest".

 We have adopted the name Crocus Rose from the fund "The Crocus Trust", specializing in helping cancer patients. Like all "Austin" it has all the characteristic advantages: a stable growth rate, abundance and continuity of flowering throughout the season, high resistance to adverse conditions, high immunity to diseases, as well as a bizarre shape of flowers of old roses, an inimitable and unique aroma of each individual variety.

 The highlight of Crocus Rose is its change in shade depending on the flowering stage: at the bud stage it is painted in warm peach tones, as the bud opens, white prevails, at the end of flowering, a crystal white densely double flower with an apricot core, shaded by dense dark green foliage. Continuous flowering with a rich, but not intrusive aroma. Loves sunny places and well-drained soil.

 Does not tolerate strong winds and rain. Has good resistance to frost (up to -7 degrees), in the cold period of time it is necessary to cover.

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