
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mandevilla or Dipladenia, Brazilian Jasmine

 Mandevilla or Dipladenia, Brazilian Jasmine, queen of indoor vines, Bolivian rose, Mexican love tree - is a perennial shrub plant belonging to the family Apocynaceae.

 Shoots are twining. Sometimes mandevilla is called indoor clematis. The height of the plant is 1-3 m. It comes from the tropics of South and North America.

 The plant was named in honor of G. Mandevilla - a British diplomat and gardener. There was confusion and long disputes in the official name, since the first found species were called dipladenia. At present, they are still used as equal, although from a scientific point of view, the name mandevilla is fixed.

 Shoots of Brazilian jasmine are thin, graceful. The plant has ovoid leaves, they are glossy, reach a length of 3-9 cm, painted in a dark green shade. The liana blooms almost all year round.

 The bush is abundantly covered with flowers of white, pink, red color. They are large (about 10 cm in diameter), the corolla consists of 5 slightly wavy petals.

 About 50 flowers bloom on one bush at the same time, which replace each other after about 10 days.

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 Representatives of the genus are abundantly branching epiphytic shrubs with aerial roots. All species have soft bristly pubescence, no thor...